Course Description

Esta capacitación es para cualquier empleado que manipule y envíe HAZMAT y cumpla con los requisitos de 49 CFR §173.1 General, §172.704 Función específica y requisitos modales para Air §175.20, Vessel §176.13 y Highway §§177.800, 177.816.


1. Entender el propósito y la importancia de la Tabla de Materiales Peligrosos.

2. Identificar los materiales peligrosos regulados.

3. Ubique la información necesaria en la tabla.

4. Cumplir con las regulaciones de materiales peligrosos (hazmat).

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    USDOT Módulo 1


    • USDOT Módulo 1 INTRODUCCIÓN DEL USDOT Diapositivas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 1: Definiciones

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 1 Diapositivas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 2: 7 pistas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 2 Diapositivas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 3 ¿Qué es un hazmat?

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 3 Diapositivas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 4 Probabilidades y extremos

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 4 Diapositivas

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 5 Revisión

    • USDOT Módulo 1 Parte 5 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 1 del USDOT

  • 3

    Módulo 2 del USDOT: Alfabeto regulatorio

    • Módulo 2 del USDOT: Alfabeto regulatorio


    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 2 del USDOT

  • 4

    Módulo 3 del USDOT: Capacitación y mantenimiento de registros

    • Módulo 3 del USDOT: Capacitación y mantenimiento de registros

    • Diapositivas del módulo 3 del USDOT

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del Módulo 3 del USDOT

  • 5

    Módulo 4 del USDOT: Manejo seguro de materiales peligrosos

    • Módulo 4 del USDOT: Manejo seguro de materiales peligrosos

    • USDOT Módulo 4 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 4 del USDOT

    • DOT 1.0_Hazardous_Materials_Table_-_Student_Workbook

    • Requisitos de transporte de materiales peligrosos del USDOT

    • USDOT Chart 17 Labels and Markings ENGLISH

    • GRÁFICO USDOT 17 Etiquetas y marcas

  • 6

    Módulo 5 del USDOT: Clasificaciones de materiales peligrosos

    • Módulo 5 del USDOT: Clasificaciones de materiales peligrosos

    • Diapositivas del módulo 5 del USDOT

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 5 del USDOT

  • 7

    Módulo 6 de USDOT: Tabla de materiales peligrosos Parte 1

    • Módulo 6 de USDOT: Tabla de materiales peligrosos Parte 1

    • USDOT Módulo 6 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 6 del USDOT

    • DOT Overpacks

  • 8

    Module 7: Hazmat Table Part 2

    • Módulo 7: Tabla de materiales peligrosos Parte 2

    • USDOT Módulo 7 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 7 del USDOT

    • DOT 1.0 Hazardous Materials Table

    • Requisitos de transporte de materiales peligrosos del USDOT

  • 9

    Módulo 8 del USDOT: Documentos de envío

    • Módulo 8 del USDOT: Documentos de envío

    • USDOT Módulo 8 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 8 del USDOT

    • 7 consejos e guía de recursos USDOT


    • Emergency Response Guidebook v2020

    • Guide for Preparing Shipping Papers

    • DOT 2.0 Shipping Papers - Student Workbook

  • 10

    USDOT Módulo 9: Embalaje de materiales peligrosos

    • USDOT Módulo 9: Embalaje de materiales peligrosos

    • MÓDULO USDOT 9 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 9 del USDOT

    • DOT 5.0 Packaging-Student Workbook

    • DOT Performance Packaging Codes

    • DOT 6.0a_Carrier_Highway_Requirements_-_Student_Workbook

    • DOT 6.0b_Carrier_Air_Requirements_-_Student_Workbook

    • DOT 6.0c_Carrier_Rail_Requirements_-_Student_Workbook

    • DOT 6.0d_Carrier_Water_Requirements_-_Student_Workbook

    • DOT Brochure - Transporting Infectious Substances Safely

    • DOT Overpacks

  • 11

    USDOT Módulo 10: Etiquetado y marcado

    • USDOT Módulo 10: Etiquetado y marcado

    • MÓDULO USDOT 10 Diapositivas

    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 10 del USDOT

    • DOT 3.0 Marking and Labeling-Student Workbook

    • DOT 4.0 Student Workbook Placarding

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    Módulo 11 del USDOT: Excepciones de envío

    • Módulo 11 del USDOT: Excepciones de envío


    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del módulo 11 del USDOT

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    Módulo 12: Baterías de Litio

    • Módulo 12: Baterías de Litio


    • Evaluación del aprendizaje del Módulo 12 del USDOT

    • DOT How To Safely Send Batteries Flyer

    • DOT Battery Guide for Mail


  • 14

    USDOT Módulo 13: Cilindros

    • USDOT Módulo 13: Cilindros


    • USDOT Módulo 13 Evaluación del Aprendizaje


  • 15

    USDOT Módulo 14: Refrigerantes

    • USDOT Módulo 14: Refrigerantes


    • USDOT Módulo 14 Evaluación del aprendizaje

  • 16

    USDOT Módulo 15 MOT

    • USDOT Módulo 15 MOT


    • USDOT Módulo 15 Evaluación del aprendizaje

    • DOT MOTS Brochure

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    USDOT Módulo 16 Señalización y Segregación

    • USDOT Módulo 16 Señalización y Segregación


    • USDOT Módulo 16 Evaluación del aprendizaje

    • DOT 4.0 Student Workbook Placarding

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    USDOT Módulo 17 Seguridad

    • USDOT Módulo 17 Seguridad


    • USDOT Módulo 17 Evaluación del aprendizaje

    • USDOT Enhanced Security spanish

    • DOT 7.0 Security and Security Plans Student Workbook

    • DOT Enhanced Security Brochure

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    • SURVEY Before you go...

Founder of The Thrival Company

Elizabeth Mack

Elizabeth is an Author | Speaker | Coach |Consultant Mission to Million$ - Taking Big Ideas and Making Them Reality. Elizabeth is the founder and CXO of The Thrival Company. She started her career as a chemical engineer from Purdue University and then cross-trained into psychology, business performance, auditing, and organizational culture and individual behavior change. Spending more than 20 years of leading, teaching, designing, and coaching engineering, environmental, and organizational development programs, she realized that there were common individual and cultural practices used that determined whether an initiative was successful or not. Loving the challenges of broad social change and making people's big ideas a reality, these observations inspired her to develop a series of leadership practices which she uses to empower individuals into leadership. Her clientele are diverse ranging from Fortune 100-1000 companies to government agencies, non-profits and the U.S. Military. She is a keynote speaker on topics of leadership, behavior change, social evolution, and innovation often sharing her story of her personal epiphany with the birth of her first child and finally realizing after many failed attempts that ‘You can’t engineer humans!’. Her work has impacted the lives of thousands of people helping them fulfill on their dreams and visions for their lives, communities and workplaces. Elizabeth brings an honest, insightful, broad-reaching and often humorous perspective on human nature and the behaviors we adopt that save us or sink us. Her work in for-profit, non-profit, and governmental sectors allows her to bring a broad and unique perspective on how to combine the best practices in each model of business to create organizations that deliver on their vision and mission and have fun doing it! From the plant floor to the top floor, Elizabeth is just as comfortable in a hard hat and boots building teams in the field as she is working with executive boards and C-level management on strategy, leadership succession, organizational performance and making their next big vision a reality, In her personal life, Elizabeth is passionate about donating her time, talents, and treasure to her favorite charities working on big environmental and social issues. She is an active volunteer and member of Impact Austin ( a women’s giving foundation and supports more than a dozen non-profits across the United States. Based in Austin, Texas with her two children and numerous Guinea Pigs. And when not writing, consulting, and being a mom, she can be found relaxing through fishing, kayaking, and birding anywhere near the ocean!